Chibiveggie's Voicebank Rules and Regulations
My voicebanks have a few rules that must be stated but it's hard to break them if you do the right

1. My voicebanks can not be sold!
These voicebanks are made for free usage but cannot be in any way, shape, or form be commercially
sold or redistributed.

2. The redistribution of any of my voicebanks, any part of them or the full version, is forbidden without

3. These voicebanks should not be used to synthesize anything derogatory, be it towards race, creed
or policy.
It is forbidden to use these voicebanks to synthesize the following:
-Any racist and hateful speech and/or songs.
-Any content that may potentially cause an outcry or protest in community.
-Any shape or form of race discriminating song and/or speech.
-Any song and/or speech that promotes violence, anarchy, hate, protests, or encouraging unlawful

4. Do not use these voicebanks for any political or religious songs except for well-known works such as
carols or chants.

5. Hentai and 18+ drawings and songs are generally not forbidden and are tolerated as long as they are
done in a tasteful manner.

6.Do not use these voicebanks for committing or promoting any unlawful act.

7.Changing the oto.ini file, the .frq files, and the .wav files are allowed, but only for personal usage and
are not to be redistributed.
Copyright 2013-2015. All rights reserved.
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